Nice to know I finally get to be more than the droid to simply welcome all you raving Boomers! With this issue, we mark the return of Speedlines, where you, the Boomers, get to write in with whatever you desire. With this fancy new Internet thing going, I'll be able to respond to every message we get, while sending the best ones off to the Humes for printing in each issue of Sonic the Comic – Online! This issue’s messages are mostly comments of those who entered our current art competition, who took the time to even write us a few words while sending in their stunning artwork. Watch out for the winners in #250, folks! Email all messages to
Dear Megadroid, I'm a freelance illustrator (going full-time soon), I used to read STC all the time when I was a kid and loved the work of Elson and Casanovas. When you grow up you forget things but I discovered STC-Online a couple of months ago and was mightily impressed, the writing, art and presentation are excellent. What made STC so different from other Sonic material is that it treated every character with a unique and fresh touch, like Super Sonic, Nack, Tails and Sonic himself. But to me the most important is Amy Rose, all the other materials treat her as a bit of nuisance and comic relief, but here she is a leader, fighter and independent of Sonic and others. Aaron Moran |
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There's plenty more danger for Amy coming up in future issues, Aaron! Watch this space... |
Dear Megadroid, My favourite Sonic story was without a doubt the Robotnik Rules Supreme arc. It was original, dark and brought to life well by Richard Elsons artwork. It was something that represented what STC was: an amazing comic with plenty of scope for originality that rarely seemed binded to Sega. Marcus Stockley |
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I think all of us at Sonic the Comic – Online like that story, Marcus. But I think my personal favourites have to be the ones with me in them! |
Dear Megadroid, I was about to watch one of BlackDog Brew's Sonic the comic retrospective video's, and the audio has been muted. If they wanted to mute it, They should've just muted the music used, and NOT the person speaking. There are other video sites such as hulu, or daily motion, or veoh. If possible, please be sure Mr. Brew gets this message. Thank you,GF.C |
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Thanks for the heads up! I've sent a lowly Hume to pass on the message, I wouldn't want to be the one who tells Mr Brew! How dare they mute u- |
Dear Megadroid, I have been drawing fan art of Sonic for many moons now, even creating my own fan comic (not online . . . yet). I would very much like to offer my services to STC-Online, helping to draw, ink, script or even fetch the tea. I would love to hear a reply from you. Keep up the good work! Luke Durham |
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The first step would be to hop on over to the Message Zone, Luke. Boomers can post their artwork there and chat to the STC- Online staff as well about anything they want to offer! Many of our current Script, Artist or Colouring Humes originated from there. |
Dear Megadroid, I remember spending my Summer at our caravan in the Wirral. We'd read STC in the car on the way there, which was a good hour or so drive. I even remember one time I'd taped some Sonic CD music onto a cassette to play it on a Walkman (lame in retrospect, but hey, I was a kid). We used to take the Mega Drive or Master System with us, and our friends from another caravan would come round and play it with us. Sometimes we'd trade or swap games, some of which I still have (they gave us a multicart with Gunstar Heroes on it, for which I'm forever grateful). Then we'd go over to the shop on the neighbouring caravan park, buy a wad of sweets and Panda Pops, and go on sugared up adventures. :D MooMoo |
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I remember the good old days of Summer myself, no worries about rusting in the rain and as much oil as I could drink! Of course the Humes complain about not having this new fangled “air conditioning” in their offices, but they always whine anyway. |