Hey Boomers!
Yes, it’s summer again, those long, hot… er, wet and drizzling few months when you’re all finished your exams and get to… well, find jobs for a bit of cash, really… Hmm, thinking about it, summer’s a bit rubbish! Lucky for you lot that there’s a Sonic Summer Special to brighten the days up!
First up is a complete Tails adventure, as the plucky lad finds himself the only hero around to face the potential return of the Brotherhood of Metallix! After that, it’s away from Mobius for a complete Panzer Dragoon teaser strip!
And if that wasn’t enough, there’s some posters; the return of Speedlines! If you want to write in to STC again, just head over there. (No free cups anymore though!)
You want more? Well, you can’t have it – not until #250 comes out, with a mega-epic and the results of our Graphic Zone competition. Check out our special trailer (made especially by Black Dog Brew) for it!

Designer - Mike Corker