Hey, Boomers!
In the dark of the night, with the Witching Hour upon you and the stench of dying leaves filling the air… be wary when there’s a knock at the door… is it just harmless trick-or-treaters… or is it Vichama’s undead hordes come to claim you as one of their own?!
Boy, I hope it’s Vichama’s undead hordes. The egg stains never wash off the STC-O door…
You’ve waited patiently (a mere 100 letter bombs!) for the final part of STC-O’s Vichama saga… now here it is, just in time for Halloween! And it’s not alone, as we reprint the first three instalments of this story: all the horror in one place! (STC doing reprints again… now THAT is scary…) If you want to jump ahead to the final instalment, the Data Zone is present if you want to refresh yourself!
Love or hate our full story? Tell us at Speedlines!
now sporting the colouring work of Abigail Ryder, the hume who drew our very first online issue!

Designer - Mike Corker