The Story So Far...
Sonic has lost the respect of Planet Mobius and the trust of his friends, just in time for Robotnik to return and attack the whole planet. Now his former sidekick Tails is the celebrated hero of Mobius, and Sonic has no sidekick of his own to speak of...

Sonic the Hedgehog
One-time hero of Mobius. Now, having been framed as a terrorist, Mobius' most wanted. Although not everyone has got the message.

Doctor Ivo Robotnik
Sonic's arch-nemesis. Operates an empire of evil badniks from his stronghold. Will, one day in the future, be turned into an ordinary household cat.

Cream the Rabbit
Young girl who ran away from home to join the Freedom Fighters. Obsessed with Sonic and the social network Chirpafriend (where her account is @Creamabit).

Blaze the Cat
Mysterious cat from the future.

Big the Cat
Naive bistro chef with the heart of a lion, the stomach of a whale and
the mind of a conspicuously empty fishbowl.

Magic cat from the Metropolis Zone. Currently in the custody of the
Order of Magick.

Simpson the Cat
One-time cellmate of Captain Plunder (a nefarious pirate of questionable competence) and subsequently a member of his ship's crew until Plunder was cursed with bad luck.

Unscrupulous (and unlucky) bounty-hunter with a robotic arm.

Alongside Bert, served as one of the Badnik Army Repair Functionaries
(B.A.R.F.). Has not been seen since Robotnik was deposed.