Sonic the Comic Con Zone

On Sunday October 26th 2014 at the Merchant Adventurer's Hall in York, we hosted the very first Sonic the Comic Con (or STCC for short), a convention by STC fans for STC fans.

STCC was the culmination of months of work by our very own STC Online team and Adam 'T-Bird' Tuff (Whose name you may recognise from the Summer of Sonic conventions) and made possible entirely by you wonderful boomers who supported our Kickstarter campaign.
We got together a huge roster of printed STC creators (Nigel Kitching, Richard Elson, Nigel Dobbyn, Ferran Rodriguez, Carl Flint, Kev Hopgood, and Jon Haward) to come along and speak to their adoring fans, draw commissions, show off original artwork and unseen treasures, run art classes, and even take part in a couple of Q Zones to answer your questions!
The STC Online team even got involved in a very special gameshow '8 out of 10 Caterkillers' and guests were treated to a live edition of Sonic the Podcast.

Lots of fun was had by all, organisers, guests, and fans alike so we thought it was about time (as a little Christmas present) we shared some of the fun with the rest of you boomers!
In this zone you'll find photos of the event, links to a few reviews from around the web, some exclusive wallpapers, and as an extra special present: The special edition of STC we put together for the day!
We can't thank those who contributed enough for helping us put on this event, it was a very special day and something STC deserved so enjoy some of the highlights below.
Thank you!
The STC Online Team
The Comic

Click to download!
It's a very large file (72MB so it may take a little while to download. Please be patient!
The Kickstarter
View the Kickstarter page here.The Wallpapers

The Galleries

Oni Photography on Flickr
And on Facebook:
STCC Gallery 1
STCC Gallery 2
The Reviews
The Sonic StadiumTea-bug
If you did a review online, let us know and we'll add it in here!