The latest updates from across Mobius.
Control Zone
Hey Boomers!I wanted to have a World Cup themed Control Zone but England lost long before that, and with them went all joy and life from the humes! Even the ones who aren't English after they learned I'd bet the canteen budget on that last match. Still, however England performs or doesn't, I can think we all agree that Sonic is always top of the game (maybe not you, @shadowfandan) and we want to see more of him!
Well it’s a good thing you’re reading our latest issue then! We've got four strips just for you!
Sonic may be hunted by magical mercenaries but he’s going to have a BOMB of a time in Rise of the Detoniks! (Eh? Eh?) Robotnik’s got a truly nasty plan at work for Sonic to defeat this time. Speaking of nasty things, Fabian Vane’s thankfully not singing in this issue but he is getting married in the quite accurately titled The Bride Of Fabian Vane! Who in the heck would want to marry him? There's only one way to find out!
And you’ve been asking us since #252 about the mysterious clone of Shadow (especially you, @shadowfandan): how does he exist, and why is he in the internet? Who is he working with? Can we see him smash more things? The answers to all these things are in our new Chaotix story Mouse Compatible! More answers are to be found in The Order of Things as Blaze the Cat sneaks back into the pages, investigating the Order of Magick in her quest for her origins...
On top of all that, we have our posters, the Flashback Zone, and our new Speedlines function! You can leave me a message (not you, @shadowfandan) and I’ll try and answer all your questions with my usual accuracy!
The latest updates from across Mobius.