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Fabian Vane

Fabian Vane

Fabian is the dodgy singing sensation who's tone deaf tunes catapulted him back into the limelight after inadvertently thwarting some of Robotnik's schemes - he really is so bad he's good! Of course, then there was the day the bells chimed for him and his bride...
Amy Rose

Amy Rose

Amy is a gutsy, irreverent freedom fighter and, next to Tails, the most public face in the fight against Robotnik. She's currently MIA on the trail of S.P.E.A.R, or maybe she's gone into hiding after what went down recently on Fabian's happiest day...


Chrysalis is a stylish, trend-conscious social butterfly and a good friend of Amy Rose. There's certainly no crimes against fashion while she's around, apart from that one time a very over demanding bride ordered otherwise...
Comic Page 1

SONIC'S WORLD: The Bride of Fabian Vane!
Story & Letters: Chris Gould
Art: Mauro "The KKM" Fonseca