Issue #262 - August 2013


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Tails is now the new hero of Mobius and working closely with the Ultimax team. He's tougher than some people think!
Silver the Hedgehog

Silver the Hedgehog

A time traveling hedgehog sent 70 years back into the past to stop the Iblis Trigger, the creature that will bring Mobius to it's knees! Accompanied by his wrist mounted computer "AG", Silver has to track down the Iblis Trigger before history repeats itself!
The Ultimax

The Ultimax

Software "genius" Dexter "Codex" Bagstille, the hyper Holly "Jumpinjax" Thumpfoot and the tough yet cultured Theodore Abram 'Theo' Spartacus make the Ultimax. They have hopes of becoming heroes with the help of Tails (although Dexter seems to think they can manage without him).
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TAILS: Silver Landing
Story: Stephen 'Spydaman' Davis
B/W Art: Seumidh MacDonald
Colours: Pete Murphy
Letters: Chris Gould