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The Story So Far...

The Story So Far...

Doctor Robotnik has returned and Mobius is at war! Both the real world and the internet's 'digital world' are under attack - and have spiky heroes defending them!

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic was the super-fast hero of Mobius until he was framed for crimes he did not commit, but he continues to fight for freedom anyway.


Dr Ivo Robotnik

Once a kindly scientist named Kintobor, until a lab accident made him evil! His mind is plugged into a supercomputer, giving him mental control over any robot or system he has.

Shadow II

Shadow II

The original Shadow was a sociopath and because Kintobor had helped him, Shadow helped Robotnik try and destroy Mobius! This surly, cocky Shadow is a digital copy taken years ago by Kintobor, to protect cyberspace.








Sonic the Hedgehog: Libra

Script: Jamie J
B/W Art: Adamis
Colours: Pete Murphy and Shimsham
Letters: Charles Ellis