The Story So Far...
Doctor Robotnik has returned and Mobius is at war! With Sonic disgraced, Tails – the only one who believes Sonic was framed – is now the hero of the planet.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic was the super-fast hero of Mobius until he was framed for crimes he did not commit. He may be a fugitive, but the cool blue one still fights against evil!
Tails has taken up the mantle of Mobius' hero. After always living in Sonic's shadow, he's always worried about not being up to the task but is now a hero in his own right. He even has his own sidekicks, the Ultimax!
Dr Ivo Robotnik
Sonic's arch-nemesis. The alien Drakons have combined his brilliant intellect with their technology, granting him control over every badnik on the planet!
The Ultimax
Software mogul Dexter 'Codex' Bagstille, hyperactive Holly 'Jumpinjax' Thumpfoot, and cultured strongman Theodore Abram 'Theo' Spartacus are the Ultimax! They haven’t quite gotten into their swing yet and need Tails’ guidance, although their leader Dexter is too stubborn to admit it.
Amy Rose
Amy is a gutsy freedom fighter and, next to Tails, leads the charge in the war against Robotnik. Always full of fighting spirit and a 'never give up' attitude, Amy is always on the front lines, doing everything she can to help the people of Mobius win their fight.
A dodgy paramilitary with friends in high places! Their leader, Mr Gold, wants to stop Robotnik – by any means necessary…
Blaze the Cat
A mysterious cat from the future, out to stop the mysterious “Burning” from destroying her time!
The Drakon Empire
These evil aliens want to conquer Mobius and have set up Robotnik as their front man! They’re divided into the Houses of War, Knowledge and Magic, who rule the empire with an iron fist.