
Welcome to Speedlines

This is the zone where you, the Boomers, get to write in with whatever you desire. With this fancy new Internet thing going,
I'll be able to respond to every message we get, while sending the best ones off to the Humes for printing in each issue of Sonic the Comic – Online!

Email all messages to megadroid@stconline.co.uk


Dear Megadroid

I'm a 4 year long Canadian fan of STC and STCO (had to read all the issues online) and I must say, even if the issues only come a few times a year, it makes me all the more excited when I see a new issue!

Especially the latest issue since the cover was drawn by my all time favourite artist Richard Elson! STC (both past and present) has been a huge inspiration to me and has kept me interested in art since I started drawing when I was a kid. I really want to thank you for it because if it wasn't for the comic, I might be doing something totally boring instead with my life!

I'm also over the moon that you brought back Ebony with a hint of Super Sonic and brought in Blaze! Please please please tell me they'll have more comic time! I'd be the happiest Boomer ever if they're in the next big story!

Forever loyal fan, Shontia

We've had quite a few American Boomers chime in, I think this is our first Canadian message! Seems STC truly is global these days! Blaze and Ebony sure do have futures to look forward to, but I think I might get a dent in the chassis if I were to tell you the details or even hint at the things in store, Shontia! At least you know to look forward to them!

Right beside the Second Law. That all droids are naturally superior to Humes. That one isn't all that respected these days...


Dear Megadroid (The worlds way past cool robot mascot)

I have read almost every issue of this great comic(excluding reprints, and a few specials here and there from the press comic) and so far it's the best! Sonic the Comic-Online has brilliant stories, and eye-popping artwork that is competitive to even Archie, the Sonic comic over here(which to me isn't as exciting compared Sonic the Comic-Online!), interesting characters and a storyline that would keep me peeled to my computer screen! Can someone help me get off?

I know it's not important and probably fixed by now but I spotted a error on the back issues page, issue 256 is labelled 255, looks like the Humes locked Megadroid up while editing the site, maybe revenge for Megadroid overheating the Xbox 360 playing Sonic Generations?

By the way what is Megadroid's recent model called? 4.0? Retro? And is the reason Megadroid 2.0 wasn't drawn in 15th year special because he blew up in issue 231(Megadroid the movie:Don't cry)? Just a curious Boomer.

Whip those humes into shape,Megadroid.


That Xbox 360 never knew what hit it! I swear the things just don't last as long as my good old Mega Drives (Or Genesis, to you lot across the pond) used to. Can't beat that good old Sega engineering.

My recent model is actually designed by Cork Wan, a lesser known fashion designer for the robot clientèle. I highly advise you to check out his show “How to look good de-chassis'ed.”


Dear Megadroid

Remember me, Luca? Well, I just wrote to say that is great that Robotnik can't blow Mobius up any more. And to ask you a few things:

1) Will Dr. Nega (Robotnik's eviler counterpart) appear in the comic?
2) How about a Sonic Unleashed adaptation?
3) Remember when I wrote to ask about a Sonic Battle adaptation and you told me you hadn't any original twists for it? Have you thought of anything?

Best wishes, Luca

PD: On what kind of power you work?

Of course I remember you, Boomer! The handy thing about having a hard drive in my head is that I simply store all your details there so I recognise you all. Just don't tell the Police. I don't think they like that sort of thing.

As always, I'm not allowed to comment on future things. The Editor Hume does like to spin that big spanner around his wrist sometimes to remind me of that fact. But I can say that adaptions of games is something we greatly enjoy and know that the fan base loves. It just takes that unique spin.

Lastly, I used to work off the main power grid to recharge each night. But lately I've been using a more green manner. Green Hill Power. I just get my pet hedgehog (can anyone guess his name, Boomers?) to run in his wheel each night to recharge me.

Who says I'm not good for the environment?


Dear Megadroid

I am a fairly new reader but I'm already full in to it! I have just got to say, this is probably the best comic altogether I have ever read and has got me starting sonic comics again. This comic is amazing!

Emily Sullivan

Best comic altogether? My my, the Humes will like that one. Perhaps it'll get them working again.

...or they might just make it a call for celebration and have another party. I'll never understand Humes...


Dear Megadroid

Hello again Megadroid!

It's Shai again from the big ol' down under (remember me, the one that love Fleetway Super Sonic?) I was reading through a few of the comics and I thought that maybe I should a fan picture of super sonic and a idea came in mind that I could send it to you.

It's just a quick draft of a hopefully better picture of him. I guess that you could say that I gave him a new shoe design.

I can't wait till the next comic!

Stay Way past cool,

1# Super Sonic fan, Shai

That's quite a claim there, Shai! You wouldn't believe how many fans say they are the number 1 fan of good ol' Supes. But you're probably (definitely!) the biggest in Australia!

Also, we've got your picture up here for others to see. Good show!

Image by Shai


Dear Megadroid

I think your comic totally rocks ! The stories are so awesome, I can't wait to see the new stories each time!

My favourite artists are Team Mobius, Stiv and especially Adamis and Stephen Davis! When will we see more art from them? We're not seeing enough pages from them, we want more! Pete Murphy's colors are awesome too! Keep him in your team!

When are we going to see more Knuckles stories? He's my fav character! In the original StC, he almost had his own series. What about a new Knuckles special issue? That'd be great!

Are you going to include Cream and Marine soon? What about a Sonic Chronicles story?

Keep up the great work, guys! Hope to have more issues per year too!


All of the artists you mention will be doing more work for us, don't you worry, Donna! Furthermore, you can expect to see plenty more Knuckles and possibly a few new characters (can't say which ones now!) in the coming year. We're actually looking into ways to up our issue production per year lately. So who knows? Perhaps your wish for more will come true?