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the Canary

Flight Smart Tech CLASSIFIED

Tekno has always been smart. Very smart. In school she was top of her class and graduated years earlier than most. She was smart enough to be invited to intern in the libraries of Hill Top Zone. She was smart enough that when she was captured by Robotnik’s troops she was able to show them how her skills could benefit his empire and prevent her from being turned into a Badnik!

Many don’t know that, for a while at least, Tekno worked in Robotnik’s labs during the early years of his regime, quickly rising to the top and taking charge of very high profile projects such as the Megatal alloy and by proxy the Cybernik and Mekanik programmes. She even had a gloved hand on the Brutus and Metallix projects as well as being a project leader in SWU (Special Weapons Unit).

While Tekno hated Robotnik and his regime, she was both fascinated and excited by the technologies she had access to and the freedom to experiment she was given. Tekno was a very privileged member of the science team. Still, Tekno is smart, and while she knew she was reasonably secure, she also knew how quickly things can change under a mad dictator and so stockpiled weapons if she needed to defend herself.

Unfortunately, things moved quicker than she expected, so when Robotnik sent her on a mission to destroy the up and coming Freedom Fighter Amy Rose, Tekno lost her nerve and so Amy Rose survived. Meanwhile, her secret stockpile was discovered by Robotnik and Tekno was sent to a Badnik processing plant.

Tekno was rescued en route by Shortfuse the Cybernik. Tekno saw a good opportunity to make up for past sins and also align herself with the freedom fighters and so joined Shortfuse/Shorty in his quest to defeat Robotnik.

While working with the freedom fighters, Tekno developed good friendships with Shorty, Amy Rose, and Johnny Lightfoot (she initially got on well with Porker Lewis but after a brief fling the two parted acrimoniously and have never spoken since) and went on many missions with them while developing a myriad of gadgets for every occasion (but never one that would remind her she could fly without these gadgets).

After Robotnik was toppled, Tekno frequently teamed up with Amy to combat crime and assorted villainy across Mobius. Along the way they discovered the Eternity Ring, which prepared trials for them before sending Amy & Tekno on a trip across time and space to save the universe. On completion of these missions, and following the ring’s initial destruction, it remained conscious less.

Tekno moved the Eternity Ring closer to her workshop where she experimented on it more and discovered how it worked. The freedom fighters then began using it as some kind of inter-dimensional teleportation device, battling villains across time and space. One such villain was Set, a fake Egyptian god attempting to take over ancient Earth. While Sonic and Amy were the ones to initially defeat him, when Set arrived on Mobius he saw Tekno controlling the ring and she sent him back through it into (what she thought) was an endless void where he would be trapped forever.

Set believed that Tekno was directly responsible for him getting thrown through the void (and landing on an unknown planet near a town called Solstice) and so set about crafting an elaborate plan of revenge upon her and all of Mobius.

After Shorty was freed from his Cybernik suit, Tekno set about building him new armour that would enable him the freedom from the suit he’d so desperately wanted while trapped in it. Unfortunately the armour was hijacked and he began abducting people (unbeknownst to himself) as part of Set’s elaborate plan.

Tekno battled Shortfuse and succeeded in breaking the mind control but the Eternity Ring was damaged in the fight, leading to Tekno and Shorty (and the corrupted armour) being sucked into it and deposited in Solstice (only the armour ended up in the temple, letting Set know they were somewhere on the planet for him to find!)

While on Solstice, Tekno struggled to adapt to such a backwater lifestyle and fell apart in such a simple environment, finding it too difficult to deal without her trademark ‘gadget for every occasion’ and technology in general. She retreated to a cave, attempting to design a route home, leaving Shorty to focus on everything else, such as their survival and lifestyle.

When Set was finally revealed as the cause of all her troubles, Tekno took it upon herself to take revenge on him and use his technology to get the heroes home. After thinking she had killed Set (missed the vital organs though, tut tut!) Tekno set about locating the Eternity Ring. Leading up to its recovery, she had a very strained relationship with Shorty, as she couldn’t understand why he seemed to grow so concerned at her frantic actions and her increasing devotion to getting home at all costs, causing arguments.

On finding the Eternity Ring at last, Set presented himself as a final obstacle to getting home leading to Tekno calculating what she thought was the only plan possible to get home quickly: use the Shortfuse armour on Shorty to fight Set and buy her some time while she programmed the ring. Once the ring was ready, she casually killed Set (no longer required) and dragged Shorty (required) against his will back to Mobius!

Tekno retreated to her secret base only to find that in her absence, Robotnik had invaded Mobius and infected her computer systems. Tekno fought valiantly but in her weakened state, and without her gadgets or any help, she was overwhelmed, captured, and transformed into: Tekno the Cybernik!


NOTE: Certain information extrapolated from converations/interviews with participants in events, my own observations, and also from Omni Viewer archives. Some information may not be accurate.

  • Circle Image
    Amy Rose
    Best Friend

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    Shorty the Squirrel
    Codename: Shortfuse the Cybernik

    Associate / Best Friend
    Current affiliation unknown

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    Dr. Ivo Robotnik
    Ex-Employer / Enemy

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    Sonic the Hedgehog
    Associate / Friend

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    Porker Lewis
    Associate / Ex (uncomfirmed)
    Current affiliation unknown

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    Johnny Lightfoot
    Associate / Friend (DECEASED)

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