#257 | Feb 2012
Hey Boomers! 
Well, as the snow starts to sweep the UK, how about a new issue of Sonic the Comic Online to keep you occupied as the country grinds to a standstill?
Braving the freezing conditions himself, Sonic takes a trip to North Cave and ends up running into some other visitors definitely NOT from South Island. Join him in diving Into the Brink.
The Ultimax join with Tails to help with the war effort, getting to work ferrying refugees from the devastated Maple Flower Zone. It seems the newbie freedom fighters may have misjudged a few things though…
Amy and Tails discover the intentions of the organisation S.P.E.A.R when they meet with the mysterious Mr. Gold. Will their questionable methods turn out to be for the greater good? Find out in the concluding part of The Hunted.
And Decap Attack returns once more! When Chuck brings a four leaf clover into the castle, it should spell good luck for all involved, right? See how things actually turn out (and see if you can spot the very special surprises) in Good luck Chuck!
And one more Easter treat – we finally introduce Sonic’s latest sidekick – Cream the Rabbit! Is she a basket of joy, or just a hot cross bunny? There’s only one way to find out, Boomers!
Of course, there’s the usual smattering of wallpapers to top off your 257th issue enjoyment.
All the best, Boomers! See you next issue!

The Story So Far...



Amy Rose
See the rest of the Data Zone! (click here)
The Ultimax
Dexter ‘Codex’ Bagstille, Holly ‘Jumpinjax’ Thumpfoot and Theodore Abram ‘Theo’ Spartacus. The Ultimax were formed by Dexter (genius, multimillionaire, businessman) to help out those in need. They’re fairly new to the hero game so although Dexter is a bit too stubborn to admit it, they haven’t quite gotten into their swing yet.Cream the Rabbit
Young girl who ran away from home to join the Freedom Fighters. Obsessed with Sonic and the social network Chirpafriend (where her account is @Creamabit).DECAP ATTACK
Professor Frank N. Stein

Chuck D



What did you think?
Editor-in-Chief: Michael Corker
Cover by: Alex Willmore and Lauren Anne Sharp
Special thanks this issue to:
Robert Frazer, Pete Murphy, Stephen “Spydaman” Davis, Nadine Wilkinson, Chris G, Shaz, Caleb Barnes, Tom Huxley, Jean-François “Adamis” Thébé, Michael “Stiv” Stephenson, Nigel Kitching, Nigel Dobbyn, Michael Corker, and the rest of the STC team!
Sonic the Comic is copyright © Egmont Magazines Ltd. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters © SEGA.
Other characters belong to their creators. Used without permission. Published by the Sonic the Comic online team. This comic is only available on the internet.
Website by Pretty/Confused ©2018.