#253 | Jan 2011
Hey Boomers! 
It’s been a hectic winter for all, I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to replace my burnt-out circuits over the last few months! Anyway, after managing to wrestle the Humes back into their pens – um, I mean offices, we’re finally ready to bring you issue #253 of Sonic the Comic – Online!
We kick things off with the second part of Ebony and Ivory. After running into the secret Order of Magick and Blaze the Cat, the surprises keep coming for Sonic in this bumper sized strip! Tails also runs into some new faces in Tails & The Ultimax! Read on to find out just who this new team is and where they fit into the new status-quo. Tekno and Shorty look to finally be on their way home! Of course, nothing’s ever so simple, find out what’s next to stand in their way in The Long Road. Finally, get ready for more zombie thrills and chills in a brand new House of the Dead story, Charnel House.
Of course June 23rd, 2011 makes 20 years since the blue blur first graced our TV screens in his first video game adventure, expect some fantastic features from us celebrating this achievement all throughout the coming year!
So you don’t miss out on any of this, you can now keep up with the latest developments from STC through Facebook and Twitter!
See you next issue!

The Story So Far...



See the rest of the Data Zone! (click here)
Tails is an optimistic young fox who uses his two tails to fly for short periods. He used to idolise Sonic, but now he’s the one who’s the hero of Mobius!Shorty
Shorty is a hot-headed squirrel who was one of Mobius’ premier heroes. The evil Set had Shorty’s Cybernik armour turn him evil and set things up to trap him & Tekno on another world. But does he want to return to Mobius?Set
An old foe of Tekno’s, he orchestrated a grand scheme to bring her to another reality where he could get his revenge – and lost! And he may have lost his life…House of the Dead
The Story so Far…
Earth, 2018: fifteen years after manufactured armies of zombies swarmed the Earth, created to murder mankind! Survivors are at risk from both the undead hordes & their controllers and power-grabbing groups like the Resurrection Men… but in post-zombie London, humanity refuses to stay down!Thomas Rogan
Experienced, heroic, and downright dangerous, AMS agent Rogan has been fighting the zombies since 1998. He just rescued his wife and is returning home…Sophie Rogan
Originally a scientist, twenty years of zombie fighting with AMS has turned her into a dangerous combatant – but fighting zombies has never been as challenging as being a mother! She recently learnt about a threat called NAOMI.Lisa Rogan
She may be a normal light-hearted young girl, but growing up in the apocalypse has seen her grown into a skilled fighter.G
Immaculately dressed and always cool, AMS agent G’s been fighting at Rogan’s side for over 20 years. He’s an inhumanly good shot, and was strangely unaffected by a severe psychic assault…Download your favourite images direct to your PC, phone, tablet, or Facebook!
What did you think?
Editor-in-Chief: Michael Corker
Cover by: Lisa Lee
Special thanks this issue to:
Charles Ellis, Michael Corker, Team Mobius, Stephen “Spydaman” Davis, Pete Murphy, Robert Frazer, Lisa Lee, and the rest of the STC team!
Sonic the Comic is copyright © Egmont Magazines Ltd. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters © SEGA.
Other characters belong to their creators. Used without permission. Published by the Sonic the Comic online team. This comic is only available on the internet.
Website by Pretty/Confused ©2018.