#252 | Jul 2010
Surrender, Fools!
That irritant Megadroid is no more! Oh, I’ve put up with this filthy bastion of hedgehog fandom for too long, but now, as part of my campaign to conquer the internet, this website is under the command of the Robotnik Empire! Oh yes, the Chaotix Crew have utterly failed you. You’ll be reading a proper comic from now on – and you will read if you don’t want to be used as fuel for my Badniks…
In this issue, S-S-S-S-S- THAT HEDGEHOG finds himself diverted into an “adventure” with that witch Ebony – watch them fall to the Order of Magick in Ebony and Ivory and leave me unopposed! Then go on to Visa Vixen and see that brat Tails introduce his Nameless Zone allies to the war, where they (and you!) learn the crushing futility of opposing me. Then see the Chaotix fail to break my grip on the internet in Rage Inside The Machine, as well as the surprising return of my old soldier Shadow!
If that hasn’t shown you that I am unbeatable, Death, Taxes and Leaky Sandbags shows my ally Rouge the Bat humiliate the pathetic secret service of the Hill Top Zone!
Your Lord and Master,

The Story So Far...



See the rest of the Data Zone! (click here)
A glorified birthday party magician, this cretin actually befriended the demon Super Sonic when he lived a separate existence! The blue fool has never agreed with her that “Super” was ever truly a pacifist, a rare sign of intelligence on his part.Morain
Morain is the admirably vicious young leader of the Nameless Zone resistance, out to drive out the Goblins. Her merciless attitude and tactics left her at odds with Tails and her brother Errol… and all for nothing as the Goblins remain unstoppable!The Chaotix Crew
Subpar technician Vector the Crocodile, the pathetic computer Omni Viewer, and the weak Espio the Chameleon are members of the Chaotix Crew. The “guardians” of the Special Zone, my ally Shadow destroyed it and humiliated them! Now, Espio’s failing to stop my conquest of the internet from inside cyberspace itself.Trent and Pippa
Morain’s rebels, proving resistance is useless. Trent’s calm nature contrasts with Pippa’s frantic and nervous disposition – a suitable disposition when visiting my dominions!Rouge the Bat
A masterful spy and saboteur, Rouge’s only loyalty is to her bank account – but I don’t give a jot about her lack of loyalty, as she’s using her devious deceptions to cripple Mobian morale and assist me! If she steps out of line, she becomes a Badnik like everyone else!Officer Dunzi
This miserable-tempered elephant is a senior officer in the uppity Hill Top Zone secret service, the Household Keepers. He will go to any lengths to defend his Zone and its aristocracy – and Rouge completely humiliated him and his Zone in preparation for my second coming! Ha!Dr. Robotnik
A lab experiment turned the simpering Dr Kintobor into myself! Once, I ruled this pathetic mudball – now, I am plugged into a supercomputer and direct the conquest of Mobius for the Drakons, who will gift it to me as a plaything. The Mobians say I’m insane, and they’re right…What did you think?
Editor-in-Chief: Michael Corker
Cover by: Marcus Stockley
Special thanks this issue to:
Michael Corker, Team Mobius, Charles Ellis, Jamie J, Phillip Chapman, Jean-François “Adamis” Thébé, Fast Ashadonic, Jin Chan Yum Wai, Robert Frazer, Kevin M, and the rest of the STC team!
Sonic the Comic is copyright © Egmont Magazines Ltd. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters © SEGA.
Other characters belong to their creators. Used without permission. Published by the Sonic the Comic online team. This comic is only available on the internet.
Website by Pretty/Confused ©2018.