#240 | Sep 2006
Hey Boomers! 
Well, summer is well and truly over and we’re back to standard British weather- i.e., miserable! Guess even the weather has to go back to school this month. Speaking of miserable, it’s my sad duty to inform you that STC-O will be going on hiatus until early next year; due to the problems we’ve been having bringing out issues on schedule (otherwise known as the Curse of Mark Millar), we’re taking a break so we can regroup and get a schedule for 2007. This is as annoying for us as it is for you – but rest assured that this is NOT the end of STC-O! This is Sonic’s fifteenth year in existence – if he’s been around this long, do you think he’s quitting now?! There’ll be news on the relaunch date in a Poster Mag out in mid-December, so keep an eye out!
The Family aren’t just taking over the Casino Night Zone, they’re taking over this issue too! First off we have them trying to shut down a rival casino in a most explosive manner, leaving Sonic and Tails Dicing With Death! Then it’s the conclusion of Bitten by the Gambling Bug, as the Family send a friendly warning to Tails & Amy… in other words, sending smash-happy enforcer Herne to squish them! Can our heroes avoid concrete shoes? And finally, we have the return of… Robotnik?! Hang on a minute, wasn’t he reduced to a drooling wreck ages ago? Find out what’s going on in Robotnik Forever!
And added to that, we have a spiffy poster or two! It’s also 13 years since STC first came out, and three years since STC-O debuted. Give yourselves a pat on the back, Boomers – without you and your support, we wouldn’t be here today. And because of you and your support, we will be back – and that’s a promise!
The Story So Far…

For years, the evil Doctor Robotnik ruled Planet Mobius. Eventually, Sonic and his Freedom Fighter gang defeated Robotnik and freed the planet. Now they fight to keep it safe from whatever might threaten it. The Special Zone was recently destroyed, and the after-effects of this still remain…



Amy Rose
See the rest of the Data Zone! (click here)

The Family
They claim to be simple refugees that escaped the Special Zone’s destruction, but the Insect Family is actually a powerful crime syndicate! Don Long-Leg wants to stop Amy & Tails from interfering with his affairs, and he just sent in his enforcer Herne…

Doctor Robotnik
A laboratory accident long ago turned the kindly Professor Kintobor into the evil Doctor Robotnik! Once the evil dictator of Mobius, years of defeat left him muted and mad. He was last seen being teleported away from certain death, and the Doctor’s current whereabouts are unknown.

A snivelling, cowardly and malicious wretch, Grimer was Robotnik’s closest ally and chief scientist. Pathologically loyal, he stayed with Robotnik until he could no longer ignore that his master had gone totally insane.
What did you think?
Editor-in-Chief: Michael Corker
Cover by:Various
Special thanks this issue to:
Charles Ellis, Jamie J, Jean-François “Adamis” Thébé, Rich Morgan, Chris G, Fast Ashadonic, Matt Harris, and the rest of the STC team!
Sonic the Comic is copyright © Egmont Magazines Ltd. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters © SEGA.
Other characters belong to their creators. Used without permission. Published by the Sonic the Comic online team. This comic is only available on the internet.
Website by Pretty/Confused ©2017.