#239 | May 2006
Hey Boomers! 
Ah, May. This is a month with some significance around the STC-O offices – it’s the month we’re getting a new vending machine. And it’s also the month that STC, STC-O and Nigel Kitching were all born and released into the world! Add that to the fact it’s the Blue Spikey One’s 15th anniversary next month, and there’s a whole lot of birthday celebrations going on. Both Sonic and STC have been around for a long while now; give yourself a pat on the back, Boomers, for supporting them for so long!
Not one, not two, not four but THREE new strips start this issue! Now, Sonic the Hedgehog – a beloved hero to us all, right? He overthrew Robotnik’s tyranny and has protected planet Mobius for years. Surely he’s a good guy? You may change your mind when you hear The Inside Story! Meanwhile, Amy has her own solo adventure. Long-term Boomers will remember how Amy originally pestered Sonic by pretending to be his girlfriend- her karma finally arrives in Chasing Amy! And then she’s joining with Tails as they go back to Casino Night Zone to investigate the gang warfare and dodgy dealings. And where there’s gang warfare and dodgy dealings in that Zone, there’s Max Gamble! What is the old villain up to? Well, I’m not telling you here, am I!
We also have a new collection of posters. STC-O and Sonic may be getting older, but it’s not effecting our coolness!
The Story So Far…

or years, the evil Doctor Robotnik ruled Planet Mobius. Eventually, Sonic and his Freedom Fighter gang defeated Robotnik and freed the planet. Now they fight to keep it safe from whatever might threaten it. One such threat was the Syndicate- and while they’ve been defeated, they completely destroyed the Special Zone first.


Amy Rose

See the rest of the Data Zone! (click here)

Super Sonic
Super Sonic is the worst side of Sonic – a wild and destructive creature that emerges when Sonic is stressed or exposed to Chaos energy. His sole purpose is to destroy everything!

Porker Lewis
Although he was once the technological whiz of the Freedom Fighters, Porker lost his nerve after being held hostage on an alien planet for a month.

Hobson and Choy
A duo of dimwits, they arrived on Mobius years ago and were tricked by Robotnik into believing Sonic was just a cover identity for the evil Super Sonic! Choy is a belligerent coward, with Hobson acting as his muscle. They attempted to defeat the ‘evil’ Sonic- and got soundly thrashed! Sonic has never seen them since…

The Marxio Brothers
Grouchio, Chicio and Harpio are annoyances that show up whenever Sonic least expects them to. Originally supporters of Robotnik, they quickly distanced themselves from him after his regime fell, and are now respectable – and dim-witted – industrialists who own the Chemical Plant Zone.

Max Gamble
Based in the Casino Night Zone, Gamble is a dangerous and money-hungry gangster. He used to be a heavy supporter of Robotnik, and his criminal actions have brought him into conflict with the Freedom Fighters time & time again.
What did you think?
Editor-in-Chief: Michael Corker
Cover by:Orin
Special thanks this issue to:
Charles Ellis, Ed Reynolds, Michael “Stiv” Stephenson, Jamie J, Matthew Bramble, Jean-François “Adamis” Thébé, Matt Harris, and the rest of the STC team!
Sonic the Comic is copyright © Egmont Magazines Ltd. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters © SEGA.
Other characters belong to their creators. Used without permission. Published by the Sonic the Comic online team. This comic is only available on the internet.
Website by Pretty/Confused ©2017.